

The Middle Ages was a defining period of history in Europe and across the globe. This was a time of castles and peasants, guilds and monasteries, cathedrals and crusades. From the Viking and Norman invasions of Britain to the devastating plagues of the 14th century or the rise of Mansa Musa and the Kingdom of Mali, enjoy our impressive and growing library of documentaries, interviews and podcasts on key events and locations of the Medieval Period. Featuring leading historians such as Dan Jones, Eleanor Janega and Cat Jarman.

  • Hidden in the Trees: Cardiff's Forgotten Landmark

    For nearly a thousand years, something high in the forest has been watching over the Welsh capital. A community pulled together in the Sixties, giving St. Mary's church in Caerau a short new life.

  • West Africa Before the Europeans

    Toby Green has been fascinated by the history of West Africa for decades after he visited as a student and heard whispers of history that didn’t appear in text books. Years later he wrote ‘Fistful of Shells,’ a survey of West Africa and West-Central Africa before the slave trade, and the effect t...

  • Tom Holland on the Birth of Islam

    Historian Tom Holland shares his fascination at how the events of ancient history can resonate in the modern world. The author of Islam: The Untold Story talks to Dan Snow about the birth of this rich and sophisticated civilisation, tracing its history through the centuries, and its interaction a...

  • The Silk Roads with Peter Frankopan

    In the East Meets West season, this is the starting point. Frankopan's rightly lauded book has done what it said on the cover: created a new history of the world. For way too long we Westerners have been espying history through the lens of our own success. But truth is, Britain only had its momen...

  • The Most Daring Escapes From The Tower of London

    For more than 900 years, the Tower of London has occupied its place at the heart of English life. At various times a royal citadel, palace, menagerie, observatory, public records office, mint, arsenal and, even to this day, the home of the crown jewels of England, since 1100 it has famously serve...

  • The History of Westminster Abbey

    Sir David Cannadine shows Dan around the iconic Westminster Abbey, in the heart of London. With an unrivalled arrange of monuments - ranging from grand royal tombs to the grave of The Unknown Warrior - and spectacular architecture spanning nearly 1,000 years, join the two historians as they explo...

  • 🎧 A Medieval Education

    Eleanor Janega joined me on the pod to discuss the educational institutions of the medieval period. We talk about student riots in Paris, the role of the clergy in universities, and the spaces of education designated for women.

  • Church Crawls in Solitude: With Diarmaid MacCulloch

    1 season

    Enjoy church crawling around a selection of beautiful parish churches with Oxford Professor, Diarmaid MacCulloch, courtesy of the Church Conservation Trust.

    The Churches Conservation Trust is the national charity responsible for caring for and protecting England's historic churches on behalf of ...

  • Pandemics: Science and History

    I was thrilled to be joined by the legendary Peter Frankopan, Professor of Global History at Oxford University and bestselling author of 'The Silk Roads: A New History of the World'. In this podcast we discussed the current crisis in a wider historical context, and Peter gave some fascinating ins...

  • Mudlarking

    Dan joins author and mudlark expert Lara Maiklem for a spot of mudlarking.

  • Ink: A History of Tattooing

    Matt Lodder is the world's leading expert on the history of tattoos. He has found evidence of people using ink or charcoal on their bodies stretching back thousands of years. He explodes myths at every turn. Tattoos were common long before Captain Cook allegedly imported them back from the Pacifi...

  • How Christianity Shapes Our Morality

    Tom Holland sits down with Dan to talk about the history of Christianity, and how the religion has shaped morality in Western civilisation to this day.

  • 🎧 A Prince in the Tower with Tina Pepler

    Tina Pepler, writer of the A Prince in the Tower history drama, based on the missing princes and the challengers to the throne in the early Tudor period, chats to Dan about the writing process and the challenges of writing a historical drama.

  • The Sharp End: Testing Front Line Weapons

    1 season

  • Eleanor of Aquitaine: England's Royal Matriarch

    Eleanor of Aquitaine is at least as responsible for the vast empire of the Plantagenets as her more celebrated husband, Henry II. Sara Cockerill has written a wonderful biography of Eleanor, placing her back at the centre of English medieval history where she belongs. Sara and Dan discuss her lon...

  • The Battle of Agincourt with Mike Loades

    Legend of popular history Mike Loades provides Dan a detailed run down of Henry V's famous victory at Agincourt on 25 October 1415 and how his men were more a band of brigands than a 'band of brothers'. They discuss the arms, the armour, the tactics and the popular myths today associated with the...

  • Saving Timbuktu's Manuscripts

    For centuries the city of Timbuktu was famed as a golden metropolis situated on the southern fringes of the Sahara; tales of its immense wealth and its reputation as a key centre of learning obsessed travellers and adventurers for many hundreds of years. Timbuktu certainly has one of the most ill...

  • 🎧 Anglo Saxons with Janina Ramirez

    Dr Janina Ramirez is Course Director for History of Art at the Department of Continuing Education, Oxford. An interdisciplinary art historian, known for her documentary work on BBC4, including most recently, ‘Illuminations: The Private Lives of Medieval Kings’ and ‘Britain’s Most Fragile Treasure...

  • Finding the Lost Battlefield of Brunanburh

    The Battle of Brunanburh was one of the bloodiest and biggest battles of early medieval history. Fought 1100 years ago, Athelstan - the king of the English - opposed a coalition of Irish, Scots, Northumbrians and Vikings and won a decisive victory. The enemy shield wall was penetrated. Their troo...

  • 🎧 Anglo-Saxon Burial at Bamburgh Castle with Paul Gething and Edoardo Albert

    A story of bloodshed, tribal rivalries and a warrior class obsessed with and defined by the battlefield has emerged from the discovery of a burial site at Bamburgh Castle. Dan talks to both Paul and Edoardo about the latest archaeological work tell us about the history of Bamburgh, of the people ...

  • Warrior Women: Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc received her first mystical vision when she was still a child, an event which was to chart the course of the rest of her turbulent life. She took upon herself the mission to save France and bound her fate to that of her country. In this episode we hear her story told as never before i...

  • Northmen

    A gang of stranded Vikings cause havoc as they try to make their way home.

  • Securing his Kingdom: William's Methods of Control

    1 season

    This series is centred around how William secured control of England after the Norman invasion and defeat of Harold Godwinson in 1066. It follows a story of conquest and strategic restructuring, but also of brutality and death. It is a story of numerous remarkable methods William used to control ...

  • Medieval Kings: Henry V

    Henry V's exploits both as a King and as a young man have been cemented in the popular imagination thanks to Shakespeare’s plays. But how much of Shakespeare's depiction is true? Anne Curry, Emeritus Professor of Medieval History from the University of Southampton, answers key questions about thi...