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Saving Timbuktu's Manuscripts

Medieval • 15m

Up Next in Medieval

  • 🎧 Anglo Saxons with Janina Ramirez

    Dr Janina Ramirez is Course Director for History of Art at the Department of Continuing Education, Oxford. An interdisciplinary art historian, known for her documentary work on BBC4, including most recently, ‘Illuminations: The Private Lives of Medieval Kings’ and ‘Britain’s Most Fragile Treasure...

  • Finding the Lost Battlefield of Bruna...

    The Battle of Brunanburh was one of the bloodiest and biggest battles of early medieval history. Fought 1100 years ago, Athelstan - the king of the English - opposed a coalition of Irish, Scots, Northumbrians and Vikings and won a decisive victory. The enemy shield wall was penetrated. Their troo...

  • 🎧 Anglo-Saxon Burial at Bamburgh Cast...

    A story of bloodshed, tribal rivalries and a warrior class obsessed with and defined by the battlefield has emerged from the discovery of a burial site at Bamburgh Castle. Dan talks to both Paul and Edoardo about the latest archaeological work tell us about the history of Bamburgh, of the people ...