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🎧 How Should We Remember WW2?

Archive of Dan Snow's History Hit 🎧 • 21m

Up Next in Archive of Dan Snow's History Hit 🎧

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    Were sub-Saharan African people present in Medieval Europe? Despite their absence from many histories, they were, arriving as traders, as explorers, as warriors, or - for those only known from archaeological discoveries - for many reasons that we may never find out.

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  • 🎧 How Slavery Built Modern Britain

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  • 🎧 The Long History of African and Car...

    There remains a tendency to reduce the history of African and Caribbean people in Britain to a simple story: it is one that begins in 1948 with the arrival of a single ship, the Empire Windrush. Yet, from the very beginning, from the moment humans first stood on this rainy isle, there have been A...