In the final instalment of a three-part series of US history through East Anglian statues, Steven Bishop will begin where he last left off in 1815 after US success against the British in the War of 1812, and will explore the events and developments that led to the fateful American Civil War. Ultimately the talk will aim to answer one pivotal question: how did the issue of slavery lead to the disintegration of the Union by 1861? This will all be explored through the statue of East Anglian man Thomas Clarkson, whose tireless campaigning for the abolition of slavery in Britain would have significant consequences across the Atlantic.
Up Next in Season 1
History Through Statues: The Early Am...
In the second talk of a three part series, Steven Bishop will pick up where we left off last time at the Declaration of Independence to examine the first decades of the newly formed United States. How did George Washington rise to become the first President and a national hero? How were the Bill ...
History Through Statues: Thomas Paine...
Steven Bishop tells us how the first thirteen states of America formed, and how East Anglia had a role to play in their creation.