World War One

World War One

Selection of documentaries, interviews and podcasts about World War One. From the Christmas Truce to the introduction of Tanks and Aircraft.

World War One
  • The Devil's Porridge

    Dr James Rogers visits the Devil's Porridge Museum to find out more about H.M. Factory, Gretna - the United Kingdom's largest cordite factory during World War One. He discovers the untold story of the young 'Gretna girls' that worked in the Factory and the dangerous task they faced creating the p...

  • Fighting Proud: A Gay History of the World Wars

    At the end of World War Two the British public wanted to get back to ‘normal’. The gay men who had served their King and country found themselves subjected to a vigorous enforcement of the draconian law that would put them into prison if they were found guilty of indecency. But servicemen living ...

  • Forgotten Faces of the Great War: The Chinese Labour Corps

    China started out as a neutral country during the First World War. But by early 1917, one thousand Chinese men were on their way to the Western Front. Tens of thousands more would follow, to provide logistical support to the Allies. They constituted one of the largest labour corps of the war. The...

  • The Search for a Fallen Airman: One Mother's Post WW1 Mission

    Richard van Emden talks to Dan about his new book - Missing: the need for closure after the Great War. The backbone of the book is based on the best single story of World War One that he has found in 35 years of research. It is the story of one woman’s relentless search for her missing son’s body...

  • Africa and War

    The first shot fired by British forces in the First World War was fired by an African soldier in Africa. Historian David Olusoga presents three 1418 Now art commissions that will highlight the often overlooked role played by African soldiers.

  • What Would I Die For?

    A short film created through the 1418-Now art commissions reflecting on the thoughts and emotions of the soldiers of the First World War.

  • Introduction to the First World War

    1 season

    Top up your knowledge of the key events of the First World War with our handy audio guides.