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Great British Houses

Ham House: Women of the Civil War


Up Next in Season 1

  • Stourhead: The Grand Tour

    Kicking off our new series, Great British Houses, we join Alice Loxton and Dan Snow on a journey through one of the gems of the National Trust’s collection, the magnificent Stourhead.

    In this documentary, Alice and Dan set off on a whirlwind tour of the social and cultural movements which influe...

  • Sissinghurst: A Garden of Love

    In this second episode of our Great British Houses series:
    In the heart of Kent is one of Britain’s most intriguing houses: Sissinghurst Castle Garden. Originally a grand Elizabethan manor, by the 20th century Sissinghurst had fallen into a ruinous state. Yet it was this wildness and disrepair wh...

  • Queen Victoria's Favourite - Disraeli...

    Hughenden - a beautiful house owned by the National Trust is set deep in the rolling greens of the Buckinghamshire countryside. This was the home of Queen Victoria’s favourite Prime Minister - Benjamin Disraeli. But Disraeli was so much more than a Queen's favourite. He was a writer, a performer,...