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🎧 Troy

🎧 The Ancients • 48m

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  • 🎧 Beast Hunts

    *Trigger Warning*

    This episode contains graphic descriptions of violence and cruelty against animals.

    The Romans were - and still are - infamous for the brutal gladiatorial contests they held in their ancient amphitheatres. But often what made their games so spectacular were the exotic animals ...

  • 🎧 Sardinia: Mysteries of the Bronze Age

    Shrouded in mystery, the Nuragic culture was an enigmatic Bronze Age Civilisation that lived on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. With their name deriving from the Island's iconic fortress-like Nuraghe monument - they have not only defined Bronze Age history, but even the very land from which...

  • 🎧 Shetland: Edge of the Prehistoric W...

    Over 100 miles further than the northern reaches of Britain, past Orkney, are a remote group of islands that make up Shetland.

    It’s one of the best kept secrets of prehistoric Scotland, containing evidence of the lives that were lived there some 5,000 years ago with Viking archeology as well as ...