Prehistory, the longest period in humanity's past - but the
one we know least about.
Archaeology can help give us a glimpse into what life might have been like for the people living during this period. But the artefacts and other evidence of past human activity often throw up more questions than answers. That’s where experimental archaeology fills in some of the gaps...
Join experimental archaeologist Miriam Cooke on a hands-on journey deep into our prehistoric past.
In this episode Miriam meets fellow Archaeologist Dr James Diley to uncover the ancient art of axe making before travelling a few thousands years forward in time to learn about the incredible art of smelting.
Up Next in Lost Worlds: Hands on Prehistory with Miriam Cooke
Lost Worlds: Hands on Prehistory - Pa...
In the last episode Miriam helped make stone age tools and cast bronze in North Wales. But the Bronze Age wasn’t all about making tools. Part two see's Miriam moving beyond the day today and into the world of bronze age bling, where the craftsperson was king or queen.
With the help of a team of ...