Kicking off our new series, Great British Houses, we join Alice Loxton and Dan Snow on a journey through one of the gems of the National Trust’s collection, the magnificent Stourhead.
In this documentary, Alice and Dan set off on a whirlwind tour of the social and cultural movements which influenced the creation of this 18th century country estate: everything from Grand Tours to the Picturesque, Palladianism to the Gothic Revival. Guided by experts and volunteers along the way, and travelling by horse and by boat through one of the most beautiful gardens in the country, they decode a trail of clues to reveal a world in miniature.
Up Next in Season 1
Sissinghurst: A Garden of Love
In this second episode of our Great British Houses series:
In the heart of Kent is one of Britain’s most intriguing houses: Sissinghurst Castle Garden. Originally a grand Elizabethan manor, by the 20th century Sissinghurst had fallen into a ruinous state. Yet it was this wildness and disrepair wh... -
Queen Victoria's Favourite - Disraeli...
Hughenden - a beautiful house owned by the National Trust is set deep in the rolling greens of the Buckinghamshire countryside. This was the home of Queen Victoria’s favourite Prime Minister - Benjamin Disraeli. But Disraeli was so much more than a Queen's favourite. He was a writer, a performer,...