Most history is hierarchical: it’s about popes, presidents and prime ministers. A very small section of society has wielded very great power. But what if that’s simply because they are responsible for creating the historical archives? What if we are missing out on understanding equally powerful but less visible networks? The 21st century has been hailed as the Networked Age. But what if, in fact, we have always lived in networked ages? From the printers and preachers who made the Reformation to the freemasons who led the American Revolution, it was – and indeed always has been - the networkers who disrupted the old order or popes and kings. What if the computer is simply the new printing press? In this episode, leading historian Niall Ferguson discusses his new book on the subject, ‘The Square and the Tower’, and argues that the distance between medieval market place and online market place is not as small as one might think.
Up Next in Documentaries
How the Earth Shaped Human History
Great leaders? Industrial change? Revolutions? If you thought these were the things that shaped history, think again. Back by popular demand, Lewis Dartnell returns to the show. He explains how modern political and economic patterns correlate with events which happened not decades or centuries ag...
European Prosperity in the 19th Centu...
Orlando Figes talks to Dan about social and technological developments and their links with cultural changes back in the 19th century.
F-35 Simulator
The F-35 is the latest plane to join the ranks of the RAF. What is so special about it is that it is a single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft designed for many missions with advanced, integrated sensors built into every aircraft. Missions that were traditionally performed by small numbers of...