Bite-Sized History Collection

Bite-Sized History Collection

Small films, big history.

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Bite-Sized History Collection
  • What Was Healthcare Like in Medieval Times?

    Join medieval historian Matt Lewis as he uncovers the world of medieval healthcare.

  • How to Fire a Matchlock Musket

    Kevin Hicks, from the historical interpretation company, The History Squad, demonstrates how to fire one of these early muskets.The matchlock was the first mechanical device for firing a gun. It did away with the cumbersome process of holding a burning wick to the powder in the flash pan or touch...

  • How to Arm a 14th Century Knight

    We've all got that one friend who takes an age to get ready? Chances are they've got nothing on a knight. Check out this film for a detailed look at the process of arming a medieval knight for a tourney.

  • How to Fire a Brown Bess

    Learn how to fire a Brown Bess in this demonstration, courtesy of Kevin Hicks from historical interpretation company, The History Squad.The flintlock musket, nicknamed Brown Bess by the British, is arguably one of the most iconic weapons in history. The standard long gun of the British Army for m...

  • How to Play the Hurdy Gurdy

    A surprise hit on our YouTube channel! Enjoy some medieval dance tunes courtesy of the hurdy gurdy. Kick off your calfskin shoes, set aside your weaving, and leave watering the goats till later - it's time to party!

  • The Heinkel He 111

    The Heinkel He 111 was the most numerous bomber which the Luftwaffe deployed during the Battle of Britain. It was capable of storing and delivering large bombs (250kg) and had state-of-the-art gyroscopic sights to improve its accuracy. The He 111 was protected armour plating and self-sealing fuel...

  • The Stuka

    More famously known as the ‘Stuka’, the Ju 87 is perhaps the most recognisable dive bomber of the Second World War, made famous by its infamous Jericho trumpet. During the Battle of Britain, squadrons of Stukas gained some success destroying ground targets. On 13 August 1940 – Eagle Day – Stukas ...

  • The Hurricane

    Hawker Hurricanes accounted for 60% of German losses in the battle of Britain. They were the most numerous fighter aircraft which the RAF deployed, partly owing to their rapid turn-around time (it took them only 9 minutes to be refuelled and re-armed). Dan Snow provides an overview of the 'workho...

  • The Spitfire

    The Spitfire remains one of the most iconic aircraft of the Second World War. Although their turnaround time was longer than the Hurricane (29 minutes), they were faster. This made them a good match for the Messerschmitt bf 109s. In an attack on a German formation, the Hurricanes would focus thei...

  • St Helena: Atlantic Paradise

    Whale sharks, Diana's Peak, the World's oldest terrestrial animal, an island full of adventure. Dan Snow visited the isolated island of St Helena, the secret jewel of the South Atlantic. Safe streets, pure waters, clear skies – St Helena is a slice of heaven on earth.

  • St Helena: Jacob's Ladder

    Stretching up the side of Ladder Hill on St Helena is Jacob's Ladder, all that remains of a 19th century funicular.

    One of the many tourist attractions of St Helena is to climb the Ladder as quickly as possible: the Jacob's Ladder challenge. The record has been set at just over 5 minutes. Now D...

  • St Helena: Secret History

    From High Knoll Fort to the transatlantic slave trade, Dan Snow looks into the secret history of St Helena. St Helena has been COVID free since the onset of the pandemic

  • St Helena: Napoleon's Last Battlefield

    Napoleon was one of the most significant soldiers and statesmen in world history. And his last years spent on the remote island of St Helena only adds to the fascination of his story.

    Dan Snow visits the key sites on St Helena, linked to Napoleon's stay on this island. St Helena has been COVID ...